Website of Musician Eric B. Chernov

Dr. Chernov's Complete Recordings
The database lists about half of the classical recordings I own. Eventually they'll all get added.
The database lists only my classical recordings. I own a lot of non-classical recordings, too.
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Recordings Navagation
There are approximately 1049 distinct composers represented.
Click here for a list of them.
There are currently 10653 entries in the database.
Sorted by Composer's Last Name
LP entries: 2794
CD entries: 7814
OTHER entries: 45

Move cursor over COMPOSER or TITLE fields to reveal more information.
This is a new feature, so most of this information is currently blank.

Beethoven, L. v. Variations for Piano Duet on a Theme of Waldstein (8) LP Beethoven WoO 67
Beethoven, L. v. Variations for Piano Duet on a Theme of Waldstein (8) LP Beethoven WoO 67
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" (Dittersdorf) in A Major (13) LP Beethoven Grove 178
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" (Dittersdorf) in A Major (13) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 66
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "God Save the King" in C Major (7) LP Beethoven Grove 189
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "God Save the King" in C Major (7) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 78
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Ich denke dein", D Maj.(6) [pno, 4 hands] LP Beethoven WoO 74
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Ich hab ein kleines Hüttchen nur" in B-flat Major (8) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth Anh. 10
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" (Winter) in F Major (7) LP Beethoven Grove 186
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" (Winter) in F Major (7) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 75
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "La stessa, la stessissima" (Salieri) in B-flat Major (10) LP Beethoven Grove 185
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "La stessa, la stessissima" (Salieri) in B-flat Major (10) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 73
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Menuet à la Viganò" (Haibel) in C Major (12) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 68
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" (Paisiello) in G Major (6) LP Beethoven WoO 70
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" (Paisiello) in G Major (6) LP Beethoven Grove 180
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" (Paisiello) in G Major (6) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 70
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Quant’ è più bello" (Paisiello) in A Major (9) LP Beethoven Grove 179
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Quant’ è più bello" (Paisiello) in A Major (9) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 69
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Rule Britannia" in D Major (5) LP Beethoven Grove 190
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Rule Britannia" in D Major (5) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 79
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Tándeln und Scherzen" (Süssmayr) in F Major (8) LP Beethoven Grove 187
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Tándeln und Scherzen" (Süssmayr) in F Major (8) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 76
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Une fièvre brûlante" (Grétry) in C Major (8) LP Beethoven Grove 184
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Une fièvre brûlante" (Grétry) in C Major (8) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 72
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Venni amore" (Righini) in D Major (24) LP Beethoven Grove 177
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on "Venni amore" (Righini) in D Major (24) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 65
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a March by Dressler in C minor (9) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 63
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Russian Dance (Wranitzky) in A Major (12) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 71
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Swiss air LP Beethoven Grove 183
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Swiss Song in F Major (6) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 64
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli in C Major (33) LP Beethoven Opus 120
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli in C Major (33) LP Beethoven Opus 120
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli in C Major (33) CD Browning Box Set Opus 120
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli in C Major (33) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth Opus 120
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) LP Beethoven Grove 191
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) CD Horowitz - HOF WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) DVD Moravec: portrait WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) CD Perahia Box Set WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) DVD Perahia Box Set WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in C minor (32) CD Rach Compl Recs WoO 80
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in D Major (6) LP Beethoven Opus 076
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in D Major (6) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth Opus 076
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original theme in F Major (6) LP Beethoven Opus 034
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in F Major (6) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth Opus 034
Beethoven, L. v. Variations on an Original Theme in G Major (6) CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 77
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Concerto in D Major CD Beethoven Opus 061
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Concerto in D Major CD Furtwängler Box Set Opus 061
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Concerto in D Major CD Furtwängler Box Set Opus 061
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Concerto in D Major CD Khachaturian (memo) Opus 061
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Concerto in D Major CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 061
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #01 in D Major CD Beethoven Opus 012, #1
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #01 in D Major CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 012, #1
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #02 in A Major CD Beethoven Opus 012, #2
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #03 in Eb Major CD Beethoven Opus 012, #3
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #04 in A minor CD Beethoven Opus 023
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #05 in F Major - "Spring" CD Beethoven Opus 024
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #05 in F Major - "Spring" LP Beethoven Opus 024
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #05 in F Major - "Spring" CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 024
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #06 in A Major CD Beethoven Opus 030, #1
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #06 in A Major CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 024
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #07 in C minor CD Beethoven Opus 030, #2
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #07 in C minor CD Beethoven Opus 030, #2
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #07 in C minor LP Beethoven Opus 030, #2
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #07 in C minor CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 030, #2
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #08 in G Major CD Beethoven Opus 030, #3
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #08 in G Major CD Beethoven Opus 030, #3
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #08 in G Major LP Beethoven Opus 030, #3
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #08 in G Major CD Rach Compl Recs Opus 030, #3
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #09 in A Major - "Kreutzer" CD Beethoven Opus 047
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #09 in A Major - "Kreutzer" CD Beethoven Opus 047
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #09 in A Major - "Kreutzer" CD Beethoven Opus 047
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #09 in A Major - "Kreutzer" LP Beethoven Opus 047
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #10 in G Major CD Beethoven Opus 096
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #10 in G Major LP Beethoven Opus 096
Beethoven, L. v. Violin Sonata #10 in G Major CD Szigeti Box Set Opus 096
Beethoven, L. v. Waltz in D Major CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 85
Beethoven, L. v. Waltz in E-flat Major CD Buchbinder Cmpl Beeth WoO 84
Beethoven, L. v. Wellington's Victory CD Beethoven Opus 091
Beethoven-Reinecke Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Die CD Weber
Beethoven-Reinecke Opferlied CD Weber
Beethoven-Rubinstein Ruins of Athens, The: Turkish March CD Rach Compl Recs
Bell, E. Andromeda: Concerto for Piano, Percussion, and Strings CD Bell
Bell, E. Perne In A Gyre: Quartet for piano, violin, cello, and clarinet CD Bell
Bell, E. String Quartet #1 CD Bell
Bell, E. Symphony #1 CD Bell
Bellini, V. Norma CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Norma CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Norma (Caballe) LP Bellini
Bellini, V. Norma (Callas) LP Bellini
Bellini, V. Norma: "Ah! bello a me ritorna" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Norma: "Casta Diva" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Norma: Introductory Chorus and Cavatina LP Vocal-Pinza
Bellini, V. Pirata, Ii: "Oh! s'io potessi dissipar le nubi. . . " LP Vocal-Callas
Bellini, V. Pirata, Il: "Oh! s'io potessi dissipar le nubi..." CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Pirata, Il: "Sorgete...Lo sognai ferito, esangue" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Puritani, I CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Puritani, I: "O, rendetemi la speme" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Puritani, I: "Qui la voce sua soave" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Puritani, I: "Vien, diletto, è in ciel la luna" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La LP Bellini
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Ah! non giunge uman pensiero" CD Callas
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Ah! non giunge uman pensiero" CD Callas
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Ah, non credea mirarti. . ." CD Callas
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Ah, non credea mirarti. . ." CD Callas
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Compagne, teneri amici...Come per me sereno" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Bellini, V. Sonnabula, La: "Oh! se una volta sola...Ah! non credea mirarti...Ah! non giunge" CD Callas: Comp. Studio
Ben-Haim, P. Berceuse sfaradite for violin and piano CD Perlman Box Set
Benda, J. [Georg Anton] Piano Sonata #9 in A minor CD Smetana
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Agnus Dei LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Alleluia: Per te Dei genetrix LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Benedictus LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Gloria: Spiritus procedens LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Introit: Salve sancta parens LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Motet: Alleluia psallat LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Motet: Beata viscera LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Motet: Fulget caelestis curia LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Rsp. & Prose: Gaude - Inviolata LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Sanctus LP Misc./Early Music
Benedictine Chant Worcester Cathedral: Sequence: Epiphaniam Domino LP Misc./Early Music
Bennett, R.R. Concerto for solo percussion and chamber orchestra CD Evelyn Glennie
Bennett, R.R. Partita for Orchestra (1995) CD Bennett
Bennett, R.R. Reflections on a Scottish Folk Song (2004) CD Bennett
Bennett, R.R. Reflections on a Sixteenth Century Tune (1999) CD Bennett
Bennett, R.R. Songs before Sleep (2002-03) CD Bennett
Bennett, R.R. Spells CD Maw
Berditchever, L. Y A Dudele CD Perlman Box Set
Berg, A. "Drei Stucke aus der "Lyrischen Suite" LP Schoenberg
Berg, A. Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Winds LP Berg Opus 08
Berg, A. Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Winds LP Berg Opus 08
Berg, A. Drei Orchesterstucke LP Schoenberg Opus 06
Berg, A. Funf Orchesterlieder (Altenberg Songs) LP Berg Opus 04
Berg, A. Lulu LP Berg
Berg, A. Lulu CD Opera - Berg
Berg, A. Lulu Suite CD Berg
Berg, A. Lulu Suite CD Berg
Berg, A. Lulu Suite LP Berg
Berg, A. Lulu Suite LP Berg
Berg, A. Lyrische Suite CD Berg
Berg, A. Lyrische Suite CD Rudolf Kolisch
Berg, A. Lyrische Suite
(3 movements adapted for string orchestra)
CD Berg
Berg, A. Seven Early Songs LP Berg
Berg, A. Sonate fur Klavier CD Berg Opus 01
Berg, A. Sonate fur Klavier LP Berg Opus 01
Berg, A. Sonate fur Klavier CD Liszt Opus 01
Berg, A. Sonate fur Klavier CD Perahia Box Set Opus 01
Berg, A. Three Pieces for Orchestra LP Berg Opus 06
Berg, A. Vier Stucke fur Klarinette und Klavier LP Berg Opus 05
Berg, A. Vin, Le LP Mahler (Leinsdorf)
Berg, A. Violin Concerto - To the memory of an Angel CD Berg
Berg, A. Violin Concerto - To the memory of an Angel [New Critical Edition] CD Berg
Berg, A. Wein, Der CD Berg
Berg, A. Wein, Der LP Berg
Berg, A. Wein, Der CD Ives
Berg, A. Wozzeck DVD Berg Opus 07
Berg, A. Wozzeck CD Opera - Berg Opus 07
Berg, A. Wozzeck CD Opera - Berg Opus 07
Berg, A. Wozzeck -- Act III LP Berg
Berg, R. Second Day Nothing CD Green
Berger, J. Four Songs of Langston Hughes: "Carolina Cabin" CD Price
Bergman, E. Karanssi CD Saariaho Opus 114
Berio, L. Corale CD Berio
Berio, L. Eindrücke CD Berio
Berio, L. Eindrücke CD Boulez Complete Erato
Berio, L. Opus Number Zoo CD Berio
Berio, L. Requies CD Berio
Berio, L. Ricorrenze per Quintetto a Fiato CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza I for flute CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza II for harp CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza III for woman's voice CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza IV for piano CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza IXa for clarinet CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza IXb for alto saxophone CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza V for trombone CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza VI for viola CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza VII for oboe CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza VIII for violin CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza X for trumpet in C and piano resonance CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza XI for guitar CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza XII for bassoon CD Berio
Berio, L. Sequenza XIII for accordion "Chanson" CD Berio
Berio, L. Sinfonia for Eight Voices and Orchestra CD Berio
Berio, L. Sinfonia for Eight Voices and Orchestra LP Berio
Berio, L. Sinfonia for Eight Voices and Orchestra CD Boulez Complete Erato
Berio, L. Voci CD Berio
Berio-Schubert Renderings for Orchestra CD Berio
Berkeley, L. Lord is My Shepherd, The CD Best of British Opus 91/1
Berlin, I. Annie Get Your Gun LP STrack/Misc
Berlin, I. Annie Get Your Gun: "They Say It's Wonderful" CD Icon: Hermann Prey
Berlin-Courage White Christmas CD Williams
Berlioz, H. Béatrice et Bénédict:
"Non! Que viens-je d'entendre?...Il m'en souvient...Je l'aime donc?"
CD Janet Baker Opus 27
Berlioz, H. Belle Voyageuse, La CD Berlioz Opus 02 #4
Berlioz, H. Benvenuto Cellini LP Berlioz
Berlioz, H. Chant sacré CD Berlioz Opus 02 #6
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La LP Berlioz Opus 24
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La -- Rakoczy March CD Berlioz Opus 24
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La -- Rakoczy March LP Berlioz
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La -- Rakoczy March CD Furtwängler Box Set Opus 24
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La: "Chanson de la puce" CD Icon: Tito Gobbi
Berlioz, H. Damnation de Faust, La: "D'amour l'ardente flamme" CD Callas: Comp. Studio Opus 24
Berlioz, H. Enfance du Christ, L' - Trilogie Sacrée CD Berlioz Opus 25
Berlioz, H. Enfance du Christ, L' - Trilogie Sacrée LP Berlioz Opus 25
Berlioz, H. Harold en Italie CD Berlioz Opus 16
Berlioz, H. Harold en Italie CD Berlioz Opus 16
Berlioz, H. Harold en Italie LP Berlioz Opus 16
Berlioz, H. Hélène CD Berlioz Opus 02 #2
Berlioz, H. Herminie
(Scène lyrique - Prix de Rome Cantata)
CD Janet Baker
Berlioz, H. Lélio (ou le retour a la vie) CD Berlioz Opus 14 b
Berlioz, H. Lélio (ou le retour a la vie) LP Berlioz Opus 14 b
Berlioz, H. Lélio (ou le retour a la vie) LP Berlioz Opus 14 b
Berlioz, H. Lélio (ou le retour a la vie) LP Berlioz Opus 14 b
Berlioz, H. Mort de Cléopâtre, La
(Scène lyrique - Prix de Rome Cantata)
LP Berlioz
Berlioz, H. Mort de Cléopâtre, La
(Scène lyrique - Prix de Rome Cantata)
CD Berlioz
Berlioz, H. Mort de Cléopâtre, La
(Scène lyrique - Prix de Rome Cantata)
CD Janet Baker
Berlioz, H. Nuits d’été, Les (orch) CD Berlioz Opus 07
Berlioz, H. Nuits d’été, Les (orch) LP Berlioz Opus 07
Berlioz, H. Overture and Entr'acte: Béatrice et Bénédict CD Berlioz Opus 27
Berlioz, H. Overture: Benvenuto Cellini CD Berlioz Opus 23
Berlioz, H. Overture: Le carvaval romaine CD Berlioz Opus 09
Berlioz, H. Overture: Le carvaval romaine LP Berlioz Opus 09
Berlioz, H. Overture: Le corsaire LP Berlioz Opus 21
Berlioz, H. Overture: Le roi Lear LP Berlioz Opus 04
Berlioz, H. Overture: Les francs-juges CD Berlioz Opus 03
Berlioz, H. Overture: Les francs-juges LP Berlioz Opus 03
Berlioz, H. Overture: Waverley LP Berlioz Opus 01
Berlioz, H. Quartetto e coro dei maggi (1832) CD Berlioz
Berlioz, H. Requiem CD Berlioz Opus 05
Berlioz, H. Requiem LP Berlioz Opus 05
Berlioz, H. Requiem LP Berlioz Opus 05
Berlioz, H. Roméo et Juliette (Love Scene) CD Berlioz Opus 17
Berlioz, H. Roméo et Juliette (Scenes) LP Berlioz Opus 17
Berlioz, H. Roméo et Juliette (Symphonie dramatique) LP Berlioz Opus 17
Berlioz, H. Roméo et Juliette (Symphonie dramatique) LP Berlioz Opus 17
Berlioz, H. Sara la baigneuse CD Berlioz Opus 11
Berlioz, H. Symphonie fantastique CD Berlioz Opus 14
Berlioz, H. Symphonie fantastique CD Berlioz Opus 14
Berlioz, H. Symphonie fantastique CD Berlioz Opus 14
Berlioz, H. Symphonie fantastique LP Berlioz Opus 14
Berlioz, H. Symphonie fantastique LP Berlioz Opus 14
Berlioz, H. Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale LP Berlioz Opus 15
Berlioz, H. Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale LP Berlioz Opus 15
Berlioz, H. Te Deum LP Berlioz Opus 22
Berlioz, H. Tristia CD Berlioz Opus 18
Berlioz, H. Tristia CD Berlioz Opus 18
Berlioz, H. Tristia LP Berlioz Opus 18
Berlioz, H. Troyens, Les: Chasse royale et orage CD Berlioz Opus 29
Berlioz-Liszt Symphonie fantastique -- solo piano version. LP Berlioz Opus 14 a
Bernier-Simon Poinciana (The Song of the Tree) CD Kirsten
Bernstein, E. Age of Innocence, The: Theme CD Perlman Box Set
Bernstein, L. 2 Anniversaries LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. 3 Meditations from "Mass," for Cello and Orchestra CD Berio
Bernstein, L. 4 Anniversaries LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. 5 Anniversaries LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. 7 Anniversaries LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Arias and Barcarolles CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Candide CD Opera - Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Chichester Psalms CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Chichester Psalms CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Fancy Free LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Mass LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Moby Diptych LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. On the town -- Three Dance Episodes LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Overture: Candide LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Prelude, Fugue and Riffs CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Prelude, Fugue and Riffs LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Serenade for Solo Violin, String Orchestra, Harp and Percussion [a.k.a. "Symposium after Plato"] CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Song without Words (for Felicia) LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Songfest CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Suite from "A Quiet Place" CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Symphonic Dances from "West Side Story" CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Symphony #1 - "Jeremiah" CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Symphony #2 for Piano and Orchestra - "The Age of Anxiety" CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Symphony #3 for Orchestra, Mixed Chorus, Boy's Choir, Speaker and Soprano Solo - "Kaddish" CD Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Touches LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. Trouble in Tahiti LP Bernstein
Bernstein, L. West Side Story (Soundtrack recording) LP Bernstein
Bernstein/Polster Symphonic Dances from "West Side Story" CD Misc.
Bethune, T. G. "That Welcome Day" CD Bonds
Bianchi, O. Anahata Concerto CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Crepuscolo CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Gr... CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Matra CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Primordia Rerum CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Thanks to My Eyes CD Bianchi
Bianchi, O. Zaffiro CD Bianchi
Biber, H. I. F. Rosary Sonatas, The CD Biber C. 090-105
Billings, W. Be Glad Then America LP Billings
Billings, W. Bird, The LP Billings
Billings, W. Boston LP Billings
Billings, W. Chester LP Billings
Billings, W. Cobham LP Billings
Billings, W. Connection LP Billings
Billings, W. Consonance LP Billings
Billings, W. Creation LP Billings
Billings, W. David's Lamentation LP Billings
Billings, W. Hopkinton LP Billings
Billings, W. I Am Come Into My Garden LP Misc./Early Music
Billings, W. I am the Rose of Sharon LP Billings
Billings, W. I Am the Rose of Sharon LP Misc./Early Music
Billings, W. I Charge You LP Misc./Early Music

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