You need to buy a guitar (preferably acoustic) and Mel Bay's Guitar Book 1.
Both can be purchased at any music store.
It is best for students to get nylon string guitars, because it is easier on tender fingers.
Suggested retail stores are: Sam Ash in Forest Hills or Westbury, or the Guitar Center in
Long Island City or on Glen Cove Rd (LI).


No Supplies Needed
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We do not rent instruments for students, most music stores have violins to rent or buy;
my students usually rent from Tony Soma, 516-625-0007.

We do send practice sheets home for students to practice. For the time being, if you need extra copy, just let me know, I will be glad to give it to you. Eventually these will be posted online.

The string ensemble is a group class, kids can learn from each other and play together; I usually start them with the SUZUKI method, which encourages the ensemble setting. Although I encourage them to practice, I understand that it is difficult for the young students to comprehend and improve on a consistent basis. We do most of our playing and practicing in class so that I can teach them how to play. The goal of our string ensemble is to encourage a love of music and violin playing.

I hope that this class would eventually lead an interest in further violin studies, such as private lessons.